Blog News & Press

jens hansen wild tomatoe november

WildTomato November Issue - Adding a floral touch

Recently featured Jens Hansen pieces in the November WildTomato fashion editorial.

WildTomato November Issue - Adding a floral touch

Recently featured Jens Hansen pieces in the November WildTomato fashion editorial.

Jenny & Daniel's Wedding

Jenny & Daniel's Wedding

Daniel and Jenny became engaged at the very top of the red crater here near Mt Rongariro, New Zealand. Being engaged here in New Zealand had a part to play...

Jenny & Daniel's Wedding

Daniel and Jenny became engaged at the very top of the red crater here near Mt Rongariro, New Zealand. Being engaged here in New Zealand had a part to play...

jens hansen wedding engagement ring DIF diamond

What order should i wear my engagement and wedd...

It is traditional for brides to receive two rings, the first is an engagement ring which symbolises a promise of marriage. A wedding ring or commonly referred to as a...

What order should i wear my engagement and wedd...

It is traditional for brides to receive two rings, the first is an engagement ring which symbolises a promise of marriage. A wedding ring or commonly referred to as a...

wildtomato magazine jens hansen fashion jewellery

Wildtomato October Issue - Staging the scene

The October issue of WildTomato featuring Jens Hansen Jewellery

Wildtomato October Issue - Staging the scene

The October issue of WildTomato featuring Jens Hansen Jewellery

Brazil travel nelson lord of the rings jens hansen one ring to rule them all

Brazilian Travel Magazine Viajar Pelo Mundo vis...

 A loja é pequena e, à porta, quem nosrecebe é uma figura esbelta com bigode de Salvador Dalí, que, sevestido em trajes de época, bem que poderia ter saído diretamente...

Brazilian Travel Magazine Viajar Pelo Mundo vis...

 A loja é pequena e, à porta, quem nosrecebe é uma figura esbelta com bigode de Salvador Dalí, que, sevestido em trajes de época, bem que poderia ter saído diretamente...

tungsten titanium wedding ring new zealand jens hansen

Titanium vs tungsten wedding bands for men

The size of your hands and fingers will change over your life time and the life of your wedding rings. Tungsten and titanium rings are almost impossible respectively to work...

Titanium vs tungsten wedding bands for men

The size of your hands and fingers will change over your life time and the life of your wedding rings. Tungsten and titanium rings are almost impossible respectively to work...

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